1:00pm – Sat down at the computer. Opened up my thesis documents, including the work I've done so far and my rough outline. Organized my ipod and downloaded music.
1:18 – Printed a relevant article for the thesis. Chatted with two friends online.
1:40 – Prepared to read the article, then decided to stay with the writing. Instead of writing, I ate some cherries. Then I read a bit of the thesis draft so far. Got up to eat more cherries, looked in the fridge, and prepared to wash the cutting board. Realized I wasn't hungry and was clearly wasting time.
1:50 – Started this journal entry to document my procrastination. Anxiety level: yellow-orange.
1:57 – Attempted to write again. Continued re-reading what I've already written. Thought about some themes of death and chaos in Chagall's paintings and in Bunuel's films. Looked up shit online.
2:15ish – watched/skimmed through Un Chien Andalou on YouTube. Watched someone's short version of the film overdubbed with the Pixies' "Debaser."
2:30 – Began to write! Became extremely anxious; a knot formed in my chest. Wrote about three sentences. Anxiety level: red! Got up to walk around. Grabbed some relevant books and notebooks. Talked to Astrid about non-related logistical matters. Thought about eating lunch. I was actually hungry this time.
2:40 – Paused to ground myself by touching my "transitional objects" – a book my therapist lent me for my writing process and my silver baby cup. Looked up at the lovely birthday flowers Astrid gave me. Read a recent relevant journal entry to Astrid. Anxiety level: back down to yellow.
2:45 – Made myself some lunch. Ate it on the couch, then took a "break" during which time I chatted with Astrid, downloaded music, organized my school supplies, and ate vanilla ice cream out of the carton. Before I knew it it was...
6:00pm. Impressive, no?
Got me a movie! Ha-ha-ha-ho!
Slicin' up eyeballs! Ha-ha-ha-ho!
The O's tip for writing #1: Disconnect the Internet.
The O's tip for writing #2: Never attempt to write on anything approaching an empty stomach. Preferably eat a burrito or a big bowl of pasta before even *attempting* to write. You want to make sure you won't be hungry for at least 5 hours, because the first hour--at least--will be spent in procrastination.
The O's tip for writing #3: Just write. Don't edit. Rereading is allowed, but only to get yourself up to speed on what you were thinking last time you sat down to write. Repeat: Don't spend your time editing.
That's all for now. Why are you reading this? Get writing!
You're so very right, on all points. And yet, the internet is still connected...
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