The last term has commenced, and it's the worst one yet, in terms of the content of the classes:
Advanced Family Therapy (not so bad)
Psychological Testing (blech!)
Psychopharmacology (double-blech!)
No, unfortunately I can't write you a prescription for good psychotropic drugs. I just need to know this shit for the licensing test, and to understand the meds my clients may be on (or may need to be on.) The psychopharm professor is a character, to say the least. He's a psychiatrist, and being that he's an MD and into the proprietary order of things, he's insisting we address him with the "Doctor" in front of his name. When he writes on the white board, each word is like two feet tall by four feet wide. I don't know if he does this for emphasis, or because he assumes we can't read normal sized penmanship. He talks through the entire class, and the only discussion permitted is if we have a question, which he will directly answer, and then move right back to his lecture notes.
The complete draft of the thesis is due the week of June 19. After that, I'll get feedback for revisions, and have to turn in the final draft by July something or other. If I had a page written for every time I complained about this thing out loud, I'd have a fucking PhD dissertation by now. I just have to say, once again, that I wish I'd decided to write about the psychology of Buffy rather than the death anxiety in intimate relationships. If there were a topic ripe for putting off, this would be it.
Apropos comic by Kelly at the Onion.
As I was in the midst of reading this entry, I got up to answer the phone, and while I was up I decided to pick up my Daily Afflictions book and randomly flip to a page. Today's affliction just happens to be about affirming the inner corpse. My inner corpse is not dead.
Hah! Have I talked to you about (or have you encountered) the Lacanian idea that the silent psychoanalyst represents a corpse? I like this idea, in terms of playing with the client's anxiety level and encouraging them to disclosure of deeper material, but I don't think it'd go over well if I just told my clients, "I'm a corpse."
Death anxiety in intimate relationships? Does that tie into being-alone-with-grief anxiety?
Have I told you that The O and I have put off going to a lawyer (for our wills) simply because talking about "it" makes both of us cry?
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