Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Death and Birth

Dream last night:

I'm with my mom. We're both naked. We're walking through a botanical garden. The entire ground or floor of the garden is covered in a gelatinous, translucent green goo, and we are sloshing through it with our bare feet. Mom tells me I've been here before, many times, but I remember only one visit as a teenager. She says we used to come here when I was a little kid, but I don't recall it. It seems familiar in a distant way.

The room starts filling with water, up to and over our heads. We're bobbing, swimming through, and then get released into another room, dry, all the water drained out, the floors and walls are all white. We're still naked, but more conspicuous walking around. I'm aware, self-conscious, but still calm. I try to put on a pair of shorts; they're made of sheer plastic, like packing film. Mom recedes deeper into the room.


Jack Slowriver said...

that is a powerful dream. I can only imagine what it felt like to be born with your mother and then have her recede from your no longer naked self. I'm glad you're writing here again.

Bree said...

Thanks Jacket. Yeah, this year's been a doozy. I've had a handful of dreams about my mom since she died last May (we're rapidly approaching a year!) but this one is the most striking so far.

Gonna try to keep up my presence here. Looking forward to catching up with your demons, too.