Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I wonder if I've run the course of personal blogging. Microblogging on Facebook and managing my music blog have subsumed much of my focus and energy for broadcasting my thoughts to the world; but less obviously (or more) my life over the last year, at least, has been in enough private tumult so as to intimidate me from sharing the details in this forum. This is the piece of my experience that warrants more exploration, rather than less, and I hope that I can gather the courage to share some of it with you here at TLab. I don't wanna let the blog go, if possible. I need to nudge myself gently to write here more.


Anonymous said...

Here, I'll nudge you a bit...*nudge nudge* I love hearing about what's going on in your life, sans facebook membership!!!Hope you see you soon ~ edog

Jack Slowriver said...


Bree said...

Thanks, E-dawg. You're the best.

Bree said...

Thanks Jacket...didn't see your comment before for some reason. I think there will be more to some point.