Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Shameless Self-Promotion

I really had some momentum for a while with updating, but it's been several days since my last post, and I've lacked inspiration. I've been working on the blog in the background, though, doing some promo and working on entries to be posted at key times in the near-future.

Has anyone seen my Toothpick Labels around San Francisco yet? I've been sheepishly sticking these 1x4" promos all over sign posts, bike racks, and Muni stops in the Mission, TriBeSa, and the Lower Haight.

I imagine it's a hilarious sight to see me engaged in the petty defacement of public property: I pull a label from the backing, looking around to case the situation, and stick it on as quickly as I can, walking away as nonchalantly as possible. A tiny little adrenaline rush occurs which I attribute to paranoia and the thrill of doing something naughty. I don't know whether this will improve my readership, but it's fun! Definitely let me know if you spot one! I'll be expanding into the upper Haight, Castro, and various other neighborhoods as my schedule allows.

A totally legit way to help me promote my blog, if you're also on Blogger, is to become a public Follower of Toothpick Labeling. Quick and painless, and that way you get updates on my posts directly in your Blogger dashboard, and I get to know who the hell's reading this thing.

And lastly, I'll take this opportunity to remind my loyal readers that, oh yes, the 2008 Wrap is in heavy production mode, and will be posted as soon as possible after the turn of the year. That's a scant couple months away, so do be titillated, by all means! If you're new to Tlab and don't know what this "Wrap" is of which I speak, click onto the 2007 Wrap in the Faves section on the right and get yourself acquainted!

Thanks for being out there, youz.



Anonymous said...

What/ where is TriBeSa? I've never heard of that neighborhood.

Spacey said...

It's the Triangle Behind Safeway! :) Our beloved neighborhood, for the time being anyway.

Cat In Black said...

If you feel like mailing a few stickers, I would love to vandalize my Canadian hood. All in the name of a good cause, right?

Bree said...

Amy - glad you're still reading! Yep, as The Space Case said, TriBeSa, in fact, is our very own neighborhood. A friend of mine coined it a few years ago, and I think it brilliantly captures the spirit of our 'hood: the real estate developers like to call it "Duboce Triangle" so as to differentiate it from the Lower Haight and the Fillmore Districts (ooh - poor people! ooh - people of color!) but "TriBeSa" kind of turns the pretense on its head. Do you like it? :)

Bree said...

Cat! That would be fucking smashing! You know my email address, yes? Send me your coordinates, and I'll mail you some labels. Hot damn!

PS - I miss our juicy email exchanges. Maybe it'll go old school and continue on paper...

The other Olga said...

for some reason I thought that if I read the RSS feed in my google reader, I'd be counted as a follower.. all these endless ways of following!!

Anonymous said...

I've written down my websites on slips of paper and have put them in books myself. Okay the one place told me I'm not allowed to do it. I have no idea why since I'm not asking for donations although I wouldn't turn them down of course. I live by a a Safeway. I think I'd be more of a TriBeKiSo.

Anonymous said...

I think that friend was me!