Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Anxiety or Indigestion?

I feel happy and motivated for the new term* at school. I feel cozy and homey and lusciously fulfilled in my new home with Astrid. So what is this rumbly, tense feeling in my stomach? It might be that I've applied to three sites for clinical internships, have been rejected by two and am waiting on the other still, while most of my classmates already have placements for next year. It might be that I hate bookkeeping and I can't believe I still have to show up and work tomorrow, Friday, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next several months, and that even though I'm quitting all my paid gigs come summer in order to make time for school, internship, and thesis, I really should continue to work 'cause I'm gonna be broke-ass-broke next year.

Or maybe it's the cheeseburger, fries, and shake I had for dinner between classes tonight.


*My graduate program refers to terms as "trimesters," because we have three per school year. It's essentially a quarter system with no summer quarter, thus, the "trimester" system. As I tend to associate that word with pregnancy, you'll understand why I usually refer to the demarcation of time at New College by "term" rather than by "trimester." Though, as many friends have joked, after the third trimester of my second year, I'll have myself a bouncing baby master's degree.


Dani said...

maybe a little of both? cheeseburger/fries/milkshake, though ... that's totally worth any amount of indigestion in my book.

i will close with 2 salient points:
1. hangout! you/me! SOON!
2. i'm not part of the Cast? how many awful housewarming gifts do i have to supply to get on there? 'cause there's more where that swan-and-dolphin monstrosity came from.

Bree said...

Heh. I have to remember that Burger Joint has mediocre milkshakes, though - not worth the calories, nor the heartburn.

1. yes, ma'am.
2. I'm being minimal with the new Cast list - you'll make the list when I blog about you, which I'm sure will be soon.