This was a list I wrote myself around July of this year. I'm not feeling as unstable as I was then, but it's a meaningful period piece.
Reasons to be kind to myself:
I'm in mourning.
I feel lost and abandoned.
I'm hungry and haven't had time to take care of myself today.
I'm worthy of love.
Astrid loves me.
I'm a good person.
This is temporary.
I'm okay.
I have a family and friends who love me.
I deserve kindness.
I am learning how to be a good therapist, and it's okay not to be perfect.
A mutual friend and I were discussing this past weekend what a fabulous therapist we both think you must be. We even both expressed small, rueful pangs of regret that, as your friends, we are precluded from experiencing your therapeutic services.
Mag, I can't believe how sweet you are. Thank you so much for the kind thoughts and words. Now, 'course, I'm curious about which mutual friend you were talking to...
Yeah, learning to be a therapist is a mighty fucking steep learning curve. It's tough on the self-esteem sometimes. But remembering to heed my own mantra that I give clients, to be kind to myself, that usually helps.
I wasn't sure if you had devised a code name for him on this anon blog or not. But perhaps if I said Little Dear you would know who it is.
Dunno. Email me w/ the codebreaker!
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