Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chilling...no really...at home

Astrid and I are having a nice evening at home, but this apartment is so fucking ridiculously cold. It's supposed to get down to 39 degrees tonight, and this drafty old plaster-walled house with old wood framed single pane windows lacks a certain wind-breaking quality that I'd like to rely on in times like these. The heating unit does a good job, if warming up a five-foot semi-circle around it is considered "good." The retention of heat in the living area has greatly improved, though, with the addition of a sheet hanging in the doorway between the dining room and the hallway. But still, too much heat is escaping through these rickety windows. We decided that this weekend, we're going to bubble-wrap them for insulation, as demonstrated here. I'll letcha know how it goes.

Working diligently on the 2008 Wrap, and am in some disbelief that the year is almost over.

Ah, our pizza has arrived. If my extremities can't be warm right now, at least my belly'll be. And on that note, I'll stop subjecting you to this, perhaps my most mundane entry ever.



Cat In Black said...

1. As we were just hit by a blizzard and it's 15 degrees out right now, I'm going to go get some bubble wrap tomorrow. I used to use the shrink wrap kits, but they're expensive and the cat loves to pop it. Free wins.
2. Have any readers from the Toronto area mentioned the stickers?
3. I am slow and have been slightly, ever so slightly, batshit crazy lately. I WILL respond in full, as promised.

Bree said...

Hi Cat!

1. I'm so glad the bubble wrap has some appeal, even in the frozen tundra of Great Canada. The potential additional warmth and energy savings are pretty impressive, right?

2. Nope. But no one's mentioned seeing them here either. I have to redouble my efforts - been slacking lately. And it's been kind of wet outside, so the stickers fade pretty quickly.

3. Astrid just asked how you can be "slightly" batshit crazy. "It's all or nothing!" she says. And it's okay - I'm not chomping at the bit. Take all the time you need.

Happy holidays, love!