Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cover it in Snow/Cover it in I Don't Know...

My dream last night was reminiscent of those situations that always seem to come up in TV sitcoms, in which a character (Bobby Brady, perhaps) feeds too much detergent into a washing machine and ends up filling an entire room with soap suds. The room was small and square, and the washing machine was soon buried in water and suds. I was surveying the scene from a vantage point above the room, and it was my task to start bailing out the room a bucketful at a time, only when I bailed out a certain amount of water and bubbles, a densely-packed roomful of wet sand remained, which I had to continue excavating. I woke anxious and frustrated, with the refrain from this song in my head. I don't know why I thought of this song, about covering over something, when I was actually digging something out in the dream, but that's where the unconscious mind traveled. I'd covered something up, only to be charged with the task of unearthing it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a very rich dream. as most... soooo very telling. wow.